How can we help support your current health?


Emotional Stress

Depression, anxiety, PTSD. Did you know that the number one prescribed medication world wide is for mental health. Did you also know that those medications are only, on average, 11-13% effective after 6 months. However exercise has been shown to be 40-50% effective. But how do you get the person that doesn’t want to get out of bed to go run a 5K. By exercising and activating the brain first. We have performed research on the effects of Functional Neurology on medication resistant depression with Life University and showed with about 40% effectiveness, that chiropractic, NeuroEmotional Technique and functional neurology can be one of the answers.


Allergies & Sensitivities

We live in a world where the foods are genetically modified and the air we breathe is polluted. All of these things can effect the way your body perceives the environment that it is in. This can cause the immune to become hypersensitive to the foods that you are eating and the air that you are breathing. When your body feels threatened it creates an increased immune response that can cause an increase in inflammation that can cause a whole host of symptoms from brain fog, headaches, depression, and many others. In our office we utilize Nambudribad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) to calm your system and decrease the immune response. This can help to keep you from having to do crash diets and allow you to still eat the foods you love while removing the triggers to system.


ADHD & Learning disabilities

Kids have it tough these days. The youth of today are put under a tremendous amount of pressure in both classes and in sports. With many of the new technological advances things move faster for them now than ever before. And the hard part is that some of those same technologies and classroom activities can actually be damaging to the brain. Kids were meant to move and are being asked to sit still and pay attention. But the brain needs activation and movement more than anything else to survive and thrive. And as if that wasn’t bad enough the standard American diet of today is not the most optimal fuel for the growing brain. This and other factors like delayed developmental milestones contribute to the increase in learning disabilities that we are seeing today. In our office we help by using movement based therapies as well as dietary planning to help give your child a leg up on the competition.


Headaches, Migraines, and Stroke

These three things may be more related than you know. Current research is showing that all of these conditions share the same physiology in most cases. Headaches, Migraines and Stroke are all associated with a part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system. You may have heard the terms “fight or flight” or “rest and digest” which refers to this part of the nervous system. When this system gets out of balance the symptoms can be headache, migraine and then in the later progressions and more severely stroke. That is why we take special care in getting to the bottom of what might be causing your headaches, whether that be food, chemical or environmental sensitivities, stress, neurological dysfunction or brain imbalance or any of the other known causes of headache and stroke.

If you suffer with any one of these and have questions, reach out for answers.


Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease

An estimated 5.3 million Americans of all ages will have Alzheimer’s disease in 2015. The number of Americans with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias will grow each year as the size and proportion of the U.S. population, age 65 and older, continues to increase. By 2025, the number of people, age 65 and older, with Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to reach 7.1 million.

About 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, with more than half a million Americans affected at any given time. However, getting an accurate count of the number of cases may be impossible, because many people with early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease assume their symptoms are the result of normal aging and do not seek help from a healthcare provider.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease make up number one and two on the list of neurodegenerative disorders. Currently, there is no universally accepted cause or cure for either disease. However, there are things that can be done to slow, or even stop, the progression of the disease and greatly improve a person’s quality of life for many years. The earlier that these disease processes are realized, the better. Early detection and intervention for the care of these conditions is extremely important.

Lifestyle choices often affect us more than we recognize. In fact, Alzheimer’s disease is currently being referred to by some as “Diabetes Type 3” because of the huge metabolic aspect of the disease; when the brain can’t get enough sugar, it ceases to function properly.

Having proper dietary considerations is crucial throughout your lifetime. Those with neurodegenerative conditions actually develop them about 20 years before they begin to show symptoms. Early detection and intervention in your 40s and 50s can greatly improve your health throughout the rest of your life.


Dyslexia or Convergence Insufficiency

Children and adults can both struggle with reading and learning. In severe cases, this can get labeled as dyslexia, which is a condition affecting the brain and nervous system most often in an area of the brain called the temporal lobe. In other reading disorders, it can be associated with an inability of the eyes to properly see the words in a coordinated way. This is different than simply having good vision but more associated with how the eyes move.

In our office we have cutting edge technology, like the Right Eye system and other tests, that can both assess and address either dyslexia or the inability of the eyes to properly see words, otherwise known as convergence insufficiency.


Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion

In the world of sports, few injuries draw as much attention these days as concussions. Science and research are showing us just how powerful these injuries are, and we have exponentially increased our knowledge in the past decade about what this injury is, how to measure it and how to prevent it. However, what hasn’t been as thoroughly explored is how to provide care post-concussion.

We strongly recommend every person receive a baseline test. We utilize C3 Logix, a state-of-the-art program designed by researchers affiliated with the Cleveland Concussion Center, a world-renowned facility in the concussion arena. We also boast a comprehensive (and drug/surgery free) care protocol that involves everything that influences your brain and nerve system. If you have not yet had a baseline test that assesses your balance, vision and cognition or you suffer from one or more concussions, please contact us to learn how we can help.


Movement Disorders, Seizures

Our bodies are designed to move. Time and time again, research shows how far-reaching the benefits of daily movement can be. However, what happens when movement is unwanted? For millions of people, the loss of control of their body can be extremely frightening and frustrating. Often, subtle signs are missed or ignored until our daily lives are affected.

Once we determine what it is that is causing the movement, we develop a personalized program to improve the function of that area in your brain and nerve system.  Rather than covering up the symptoms, while things continue to break down, we get to the root of the problem.

Sufferers from movement disorders such as Epilepsy, Parkinsonian tremors, cerebellar ataxia, Restless Leg Syndrome and many others, have hope as well. Our unique approach to optimizing the brain and nerve system with tools like the GyroStim and Interactive Metronome allows us to make the changes to the brain and nerve system you really need. There is no “one-size-fits-all” care plan for a movement disorder, and our patients benefit from getting customized care that help the brain control the body once again. 


Vertigo and Balance Disorders

A functional sense of balance is created by a cohesive collaboration of several parts of the brain and nerve system. These parts are the somatosensory system (proprioception), the vestibular system, the visual system and the auditory system. Dysfunction in any of these systems can cause a balance disorder. A balance disorder can cause the perception of unsteadiness in any position (lying, sitting, standing or walking). It can be accompanied by a sense of dizziness or feeling disoriented.

Vertigo is a type of dizziness and refers to a perception of self-motion or motion of the surrounding world. Vertigo is one of the most common neurological complaints, affecting approximately 20-30 percent of the general population. An inner ear disease, known as a vestibulopathy, can cause vertigo, or it can be due to a lesion of part of the central nerve system (brainstem, cerebellum or brain).

Some symptoms associated with vertigo are:

• Imbalance/False sense of movement or rotation
• Difficulty walking
• Nausea/vomiting
• Hearing loss
• Tinnitus
• Fullness and/or pain in the ear
• Nystagmus (a rhythmic jerking movement of the eyes)
• Slurred speech
• Double vision

Many neurological disorders can cause the symptoms of vertigo and imbalance.

Our approach can help optimize balance. There are three major areas of the brain deal with balance; being over-dependent on the wrong system can cause difficulties when that area is challenged. We optimize all three.