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As a chiropractic office, we specialize in the detection and removal of the subluxation. A subluxation, in simple terms, is an interference in the nervous system. When your system is interfered with it can cause all sorts of symptoms like pain, dizziness, digestion issues, asthma and other things that can negatively impact your life and health. We look at all causes for this dysfunction: neurologic and emotional, structural and biochemical before utilizing a gentle chiropractic adjustment to remove the interferences.


Acupuncture has been used throughout Asia for centuries to treat problems as diverse as pains, strains and sprains, sinus congestion, digestive problems and infertility. According to Chinese Medicine, the body is made up of pathways of energy called meridians, similar to your nervous system and circulatory network. They run up and down and front to back within your body. Acupuncture points are specific sites along these meridians. When stimulated with wire-thin, sterilized needles, acupuncture has the ability to access and harmonize your Qi, or life force energy.

Functional Neurology

Using the principles of neuroplasticity to improve the brain and nervous system for the purpose of correcting neurologic problems, preventing neurologic degeneration and optimizing neurologic performance to eliminate symptoms and disease and improve your overall quality of life.

What is neuroplasticity?  Quite simply it is your brains ability to learn new tricks.  We see neuroplasticity at work in the development of every baby as they learn their environment, they figure out how to exist and then thrive in it.  Science is showing us that you maintain that ability from cradle to grave. 

 If a trauma has disconnected you in any way from your optimal function, then your brain has the ability to learn a new way to work to RECONNECT you back to a healthy you. 

Whether you are suffering from a complex neurological condition and want to heal or get back to health, or if you are just looking to better yourself and improve the function of your brain to excel, and everything in between, we can help. 

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique

Are you one of the millions of Americans who has allergies and constantly hopes to find relief? By undergoing NAET treatments you can finally be free from allergic reactions you currently suffer as well as other allergies you may not even be aware that you have!

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, also known as NAET, is a holistic, non-invasive, safe, effective, natural approach/solution to detecting and eliminating all types of allergies. It is a simple desensitization technique that helps your body accept the environment around you and the foods you eat in a healthy and balanced way.

Identifying and eliminating allergies helps your body return to its normal balance preventing future health problems. Energy is no longer wasted on allergic reactions but instead can be spent on detoxifying and healing. NAET re-educates the body to respond appropriately to an allergen.


neuroEmotional technique - nET

Emotions are healthy human functions and normally pose no long-lasting physiological or psychological problems. In the past, people related emotions as being primarily psychological and thought they were located only in the brain. Researchers have now proven that emotions are physiological and actually travel in many areas of the body in the form of biochemicals called neuropeptides.

It is human nature to have emotional responses to significant events in our lives. It’s also human nature for our bodies to return to a “normal” state at some point after a significant event. Sometimes, however, we can have a neuro-physiological deficit at the time of a significant event and an emotional response can become “locked” in our bodies.

We call these “locked” emotional responses Neuro Emotional Complexes (NECs). NECs have reflex patterns very much like the conditioned response Pavlov documented so well in his experiments with dogs and ringing bells. Eventually, our “locked” negative emotional responses (conscious or unconscious) can manifest as symptoms. The result is ill-health or an imbalance in one or more areas of our lives.

The Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a methodology used to normalize unresolved physical and/or behavioral patterns that have become “locked” in your body. NET practitioners are trained to assist the body’s own healing process by identifying and eliminating our unresolved NECs.

Before the discovery of neuropeptides (now known to carry emotions throughout the body), emotions were considered to be largely in the domain of psychology. Now emotions are also considered within the domain of acupuncturists, chiropractor, medical doctors and other vitalistic health care practitioners.

NET is not a “talk-it-out” therapy, nor is it a substitute for psychological or psychiatric therapy. NET is used by psychotherapists and health care practitioners of all disciplines in tandem with their other techniques to quickly enhance their patients’ results. NET practitioners are trained to refer to the appropriate specialist, when indicated.

NET seeks to normalize neurological imbalances using a physical correction. NET removes the blocks to the body’s natural healing process, allowing it to repair itself. It is important to realize that these corrections don’t make life’s problems go away. However, a person with a balanced nervous system can usually deal with life’s problems more effectively.


Bio-Geometric integration

Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI) is an integrative approach to the science, philosophy, and art of chiropractic. BGI provides chiropractors with a greater understanding of the body’s innate sacred geometry and connectivity, enabling them to more effectively release energetic stresses in the body.


Hypothalamic Reset Technique - HRT

The hypothalamus is made of 3 regions that perform vital functions like hormone release, appetite control, and body temperature regulation. HRT is a non-invasive technique used to help bring balance to the hypothalamus by activating spinal reflex point and acupuncture points.