The Fifth Brainwave

In our last post we talked about brainwaves and the four main waves for everyday function. We also specifically described what brain waves are and how your brain utilizes them to communicate. There was one brainwave that I left out of the last post however. The gamma wave is deserving of its own post. 

The gamma brainwave is the highest frequency brainwave of those that we can currently measure. Depending on who you talk to, this brainwave is involved in some pretty interesting and even far out processes in the brain. The gamma wave has been called the genius wave. That is because they believe that this is the brainwave we are in when our brain makes discovery. The gamma wave is responsible for those eureka moments when we break through and invent new things or break through a problem that we couldn’t figure out. It is a super high frequency that activates our brain at super high level to see solutions and angles that we simply can’t perceive in beta. Some believe it is the gamma wave responsible for Einstein’s theory of relativity and Goodyear inventing rubber.  In addition to being that genius wave, there is another group researching the gamma wave and communication beyond our senses like psychic abilities and ESP. Imagine the power of harnessing that wave for good and being able to call upon it at will. Some believe that with mediation and neurofeedback these things are possible. 

There is one more special thing that the gamma has shown in research. When introduced to the brain, in both the eyes and the ears, it has been shown to break up the plaques in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This means that something like the BrainTap may one day be utilized to reverse Alzheimer’s by breaking up the plaques and helping your brain to detox. 

Michael Longyear