What are brainwaves?

One question we get a lot in the office following a BrainTap session is “What are brain waves?” First, for those not familiar with the BrainTap, it is a neuro entrainment device we utilize in our office. Similar to neurofeedback. What all of that means is that it uses guided meditation combined with something called binaural beats and isochronic tones. When combined with visual stimulation this will gently guide your brain into a specific brain wave pattern. 

Now for what brain wave patterns are. Brainwaves and neurofeedback are the all the rage right now. There is a large focus on both measuring brainwaves and how to affect them in the interest of better health. 

To simplify this complex idea, brain waves are the frequency that your brain uses to communicate. You see your brain communicates from cell to cell or neuron to neuron with gentle oscillations that create an electrical frequency.  Depending on the frequency emitted it tells the next cell what to do. For instance, the beta wave that your brain communicates with is the “get stuff done” brainwave.  When your brain is dominant in beta, you are active and doing things. We use this brainwave when we are at work or actively engaged in thinking.  It has been shown in research that kids with ADHD have too many beta brainwaves and therefore struggle to sit back and settle down. 

On the other end of that spectrum is the delta wave. The delta wave gets a lot of publicity because this is your sleep brainwave. It has been researched that those with insomnia or trouble sleeping have trouble creating enough Delta waves. 

In between delta and beta are two other brain waves. Alpha and theta. These brain waves are more associated with relaxing and regeneration. That is why in a lot of the literature they are trying to figure out how to increase these brainwave patterns in many people. They believe better control of brainwaves and getting out of so much beta (related to stress) we can improve health. But none of the brainwaves are good or bad. They are all necessary for us to function at our best. What is most important is having the correct brainwave for the correct situation and that is where consulting with a healthcare professional that specializes in this can help you be the best version of yourself. 

Michael Longyear